Holiness is a major goal

I can’t imagine a football match without a post to score goals. There are things that count in your journey as a Christian. One of them is the word HOLINESS!

In the field called life, few decisions will transform you and one of them is Holiness. If a Christian is ready to score high before God, he must be ready to live in holiness. 

Holiness is not a big word, yet people complicate it a lot, mainly because we are afraid of releasing the reins of our lives. Yet, this is one of the best decisions we can ever make. Holiness is state of being Holy… being sacred…

In simple terms, “Holiness is obeying God to the letter”.


There are several words that we can use to describe holiness – Pure, Perfect, Plain, Sacred etc… but what actually interprets what God expects from us to be holy before Him is obedience.

Nothing guarantees a successful walk with the Lord like maintaining a holy lifestyle which is learning to obey the Lord. You can obey the Lord through the following means:

  1. His word: The living bible contains instructions and God’s will that we must synchronise our lives with.
  2. Authorities above us (our parents, elders and leaders): We must obey all those God has placed us under according to His will. The exception to this is no one is permitted to enslave you because you want to be holy so please be careful of those that have authority over you. If you doubt their leading, please ask God and an authority above them for guidance so as not to be misled. 
  3. Holy Spirit: No one knows the mind of God and what pleases Him more than the Holy Spirit. Be His friend.

To live holy requires grace and submission. You must have this understanding that the life you live belongs to God and you don’t have a total control of it. We deceive ourselves by thinking that all our pursuits, dreams and their outcomes are in our care. Look around you, think for some minutes… 

No matter how hard you try, you need God to be part of your life’s equation to live a balanced life. Holiness is required to walk with God. Listen to this song and pray for grace and the will to submit to God by obeying Him in all you do.

Click below:

Holiness is what I need

4 keys to overcoming Temptation and Trials… especially in a economic crisis

Temptations and Trials will surely come so also challenging times like this. Here is an insight to how to handle any problem you are facing at the moment, especially in the area of our economy. James1:1-12
Here are the points:
*First* – God said, we should be patient and honestly, this is the last thing we all want to do when we are in financial crisis. God knows best. You can clearly see through a calm water 💦 
*Secondly*- God wants us to ask for wisdom and he say he will give it freely. This means we need insight, strategy from God to do the right business or do our work well. We all know the difference between the Iya Basira canteen and Mr Biggs is packaging and strategy (wisdom).
*Thirdly*- Faith is needed for us to breakthrough with the wisdom God gives us. Honestly, we can be easily carried away by what our friends are doing or the norm in the society but please let us be fully persuaded. MMM might not take us in to White House but a woman who started to do moimoi through God’s wisdom got there and is still going all over the world 🌎. Have faith, what God has told you to do will take you far.

vs 6-7
*Fourth* – There is certainty of reward so there is no risk😊😊. So anything inspired by God has no risk of loss.

 Even if you lose something, you are sure you will get more back.

vs 12


The true IDENTITY!

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I looked in to the mirror and I saw a lanky kid who has transformed almost overnight into a handsome young man… light in complexion with dazzling smiles and I asked myself, ‘is this truly who I am’?

Personality has a lot to do with perception but there is a true identity which delivers satisfaction and fulfilment if we discover it and accept it. Nothing in life is self-made. Scientists will breakdown everything you can see to the tiniest particle. Even at the point whereby we have atoms, they further broke them down to energy entities… I wonder sometimes how some of them can say there is no God when there are lots of questions they can’t answer from several discoveries they have made. So as not to digress, no man is self-made. We are shaped by our interaction with the world.

Our knowledge, beliefs, looks and possessions are all gotten from our interaction with the world we live in. Every man seeks to live for something or stand for something. I have also heard of people who do not live for anything but are willing to die for something or someone. Whichever side we fall, our lives must count for something. Friends, you only have one shot at life and there is need to make the best use of it by knowing who you truly are. We all need to live on the basis of who our maker has designed us to be and not a formed opinion that is or has been expressed by people on who we are.

Listen, who you see today does not necessarily mean that is who you are!

Have you failed consistently… you are not failure!

Are you wallowing in debts… you are not a debtor!

Are you in broken relationships… you can experience true love!

Are you sick… you can be healthy!

Are you unemployed and destitute… you can be wealthy and be an employer of labour!

Our true identity is not defined by our circumstances or challenges but by our makeup!

It is unfortunate that many are spending more on their physical makeup; yet, they don’t have a clue of who they truly are. To know your makeup, you need to know your maker – God (through Jesus Christ) and your potentials. Hence if you are yet to be born again, you are still living a fake life and no matter your accomplishment (or failure) you will not maximize your potentials. Let your eyes be opened to the realities of what you can achieve. Imagine, man is not the biggest of all creatures but has the ability to control everything. Man’s brain is still the best computer because the best of algorithm and designs comes from it. The best of instruments, tools, machines, medicine, etc., have emanated from the human mind. What excuse do you have to live an unfulfilled life? Are you constantly unsatisfied with where you are, what you are doing or what you see around you? I think it’s time you go back to the drawing board. Withdraw from people and perceptions, get to know what the real you is made up of and launch in to the deep. Connect to God and be positioned within the bounds of your potentials because it is there you will find peace for your soul.

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Christians and Wealth (Part 1)

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How rich can a Christian be? Like Bill Gate or just as rich as an average working class who gets all his bill paid? Are you a Christian but you are neither poor nor rich? Is this God’s plan for you?

I know that majority of believers are in the rat race of becoming rich or let me put it a glorified term, in pursuit of wealth to meet their needs, to bless lives and earn more respect in the society and finally to serve God by contributing to the kingdom assignments. This is a fantastic plan, isn’t it? Many toil and toil day by day, year after year but many never come near their dreams. Some pass by without knowing what it means to enjoy life rather their anguish and ordeals is submerged in bitter waters of devil’s tools – distractions, deceits, discouragement and disbelief.

Imagine this, a wealthy man ask you prepare a proposal for the sum of 1 million dollars and, with good assurance of success, you submit something that will be beneficial to you, the society and also to the rich man, he will certainly grant your proposal except he is not a good business man. Can we imagine the maker of the universe who owns everything, including the key to life and death, don’t you think if we have a fantastic plan like what an average Christian dreams of, won’t He willingly grant all our heart desires?

…But sincerely, that is not the common experience we all have. God said, ‘silver and gold is mine’. He also said the earth and the fullness thereof belongs to Him, hence if we plan to work hard and make money for this fantastic idea we all dream of, it should not be difficult for God to bless us. He said he is the one that gives power to get wealth; hence we need Him for the grace and ability to bear the title “wealth man/woman”. However, we pray for this, yet we experience a little of this empowerment that invokes the forces of life to work in our favour which makes our efforts to be well compensated. Our efforts are fruitless due to a wrong triangle approach with which we all seek wealth.

Think carefully and genuinely, which master do you serve the most – God or Mammon (Money)? We worship money more than God. I have seen so many people who in pursuit of wealth have pierced themselves with many sorrows. I have experienced this. We often forget that what we want is with God already but they are buried in our devotion & commitment to His instructions and directions. Perhaps, if you are involved in so many or any financial mess, God will sought you out in Jesus name. Please examine the diagram below:


Let God be the force and the drive behind your life. God is faithful and just to reward every labour (Prov14:23). It is certain we can’t seek both God and wealth because they are both authorities that demand attention and respect. We build our schedules, rules and principles around wealth and we easily push God out of the equation of our lives. Wealth requires wisdom to both acquire it and maintain it. It has been said that it is easy to attain riches than to maintain it. When God is not the power behind our wealth, it is far difficult to find Him because we will be too occupied with what we have become. We will be pursuing all other things and struggle to seek God.

Every man also to whom God hath given riches and wealth, and hath given him power to eat thereof, and to take his portion, and to rejoice in his labour; this is the gift of God. – Eccl 5:19 KJV

Your Power Lies In One Thing…


I am awake to send this piece to you just because I feel connected to you. This is so because you are part of my experience. We are all connected but we are at different milestones in the journey of life, hence our pace and stage in this race called life, has set us on different pedestal.

I want you to know that there is one reality in life and this is the force we are all under. The force that work and walk side by side with each other. It is a parallel beam that works opposite and never in each other’s interest. We are all caught up in this long war and the only power we have is our choice. All a man can do to make or mar his destiny lies in the choice which invariably leads to the decision he makes…We are constrained and limited by this two parallel forces. I wonder why there are not three or more options for mankind but friends we are bound by this two entities that replicate itself in everything we do or think.

I discovered that it is the way of the ‘Origin of life’ and the earlier we come to terms with this, the better for us.

Light and Darkness… The two great force that replicate itself in actions, words and thoughts. Why do we have good and bad, right and wrong, up and down, day and night, life and death, blessing and curses…?

All I can tell you is, the Creator made it so! Common sense tells us that for every product, there is a manufacturer and an intended purpose. Therefore, for we human beings, make no mistakes, our Creator is God. He said, “I placed before you life and death, blessing and curses…choose life that you may live”. We choose life by accepting Jesus in to our lives to be our Lord in order to live the way our Creator wants.

God designed the world and permitted this two major options and gave us a freewill to choose our path. Friends, which path are you in? There is a way that seems right to a man but the end thereof is destruction. The amazing thing about GPS (Global Position System) is that, once you choose a path, it will tells you your destination and other outlets from the road you just turned in to. Our choices are like GPS, they always have a destination in view.


Remember, in choice lies your power to make or mar your destiny!


Hello world!

I am glad you found you way here. This is setup for every Christian – Followers of Christ. There is a part of every one of us that desires to relate with the something greater than us. You have chosen to be a Christian and this is indeed a great choice.

Below are few basics of why we are Christians and what our focus should be on in this temporal world that we are living in.

To Make Heaven:

“Please remember me in your kingdom”…

This is a statement from me a dying thief beside the master at Golgotha. I am justified for my sins and I truly deserve my punishment. I am truly sorry for my crimes and I wish to be a good person but I don’t have a chance to live a changed life. Well, what hope do I have of a glorious eternity…?

Guess what Jesus’ response was … Yes “I tell you the truth, today you will be with me in paradise.” (Luke23:42-43)

There is nothing like getting your eternity secured. I believe much more than anything else, being on the Lord’s side to share His paradise with Him after life on this earth is the most important goal anyone should embark on. It doesn’t matter what your past was or what your present is, I can testify that heaven is for YOU. I never had the opportunity to be like Christ or practise the religion… I was on my dying cross when the mercy of God found me through Christ Jesus and through the simple request, I was accepted in the beloved. I can testify that to make heaven is key, as long as you believe in Jesus and accept Him, your ticket to heaven is sure (John 1:12)… BUT that is not where it ends if you have the opportunity to live another day.

To Be Like Christ:

 “When I fell from glory in the garden of Eden through sin, I understood how amazing the nature of God is. His image makes you real… to associate with the divine and the ordinary without feeling intimidated by anyone of them. For example, can you chat with a lion or give a bear a huge? Can you have God visit you without trembling and shouting woe unto me like Isaiah or see mysteries and angelic beings and not faint like Daniel? I still had the body, soul and spirit like you but without SIN. Sin came and everything changed!”

I imagine these to be the words from Adam to us in these days. God’s earnest purpose for saving us is to be like Him. That image was demonstrated in Christ when He was here on earth. The bible contain details of His life style here on earth (Matthew, Mark, Luke and John). He wants us to be like His son. Jesus is God manifested in the flesh so that we can have an example to follow. God is a Spirit. It is so amazing how God so much loved us to come in human flesh to demonstrate the life He wants us to live.

In the world of business, I can say being like Jesus is our vision. Other things are like mission statement that fulfill the vision.

To Seek God and Know Him:

Relationship is the basis of everything in life. We are in constant interaction with everything present on earth. Interaction with the invisible is not left out. It is amazing that man is caught up in between everything. God made it so. We can relate with plant and animals as well as with God and every other spiritual entity in the universe. These interaction can be passive or active. The most profitable of all relationships is one with his or her maker. God created everything for a purpose and His main purpose for creating us is simply two things – Fellowship and Worship.

Knowing your creator is crucial because it is the best way you can live life to the fullest. Imagine you use a Ford car that was designed by Henry Ford and he is your good friend. Will you ever have a problem understanding how best to use the car? Develop an interest in knowing your maker through the bible (our life manual), books and articles about Him, ask questions and attend gathering where they discuss God and His wonderful plan for mankind (a good example is a church gathering).

To be continued…